

Friday Feature: PASS Network and PASS Pod


Colleen Hroncich

Entrepreneurship is hard. Education entrepreneurship can be even harder, in part because education is highly regulated and in part because you’re trying to attract families who have a “free” option in the public school system.

Microschool founder April Jackson has experienced these challenges firsthand. As a military wife, April was a public school teacher and academic coach in several different states. “No matter where I went, it was consistent. I almost always taught in schools with predominantly black students. And the prevailing issue was that they could not read or they were reading well below grade level. And I was seeing where they were not doing anything to address actual reading,” she recalls. Since she was a secondary teacher, she was trained to teach analysis of literature, not how to read. But she knew someone needed to be teaching them the fundamentals of reading.

“They kept telling me to teach to the standard, and I’m like, ‘This child is on the second-grade level in ninth grade. I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing with this.’ So overall, it just became frustration with seeing children that were well below grade level being pushed through,” April says. But then she felt like her hands were tied, and she had to do the same thing. She made student growth her goal because she didn’t feel like she could punish them for being so far behind when they had been pushed along up to that point. 

Her first breaking point came when an assistant superintendent was observing her classroom. “It was a gifted class, but some of the kids were reading below grade level, some were above grade level, and some were on grade level. So I had differentiated instruction,” she explains. “They had a curriculum map that they wanted me to follow, and I couldn’t do that. I heard the assistant superintendent say, ‘It looks like this teacher has been given free rein to be creative in her classroom. And that’s a problem.’” He was more upset by April’s creative teaching methods than about students getting to ninth grade without being able to read.

April left teaching for six months but missed it and returned as an instructional coach. She approached the principal about making some changes to the curriculum, saying, “’Our school is like 99.9 percent black. But when I look at the curriculum, I don’t see black people, black writers, black characters. Can I add some to the curriculum?’” She says he rejected her request, “He said, ‘No, our teachers struggle already with following the curriculum as is. We’re not adding anything.’” But April thought the benefits of culturally relevant learning were more important than the teachers following the curriculum. It was the final straw.

Like many “edupreneurs,” April’s plans have evolved with changing circumstances. First, she created the PASS Network—PASS stands for Parental Access to Student Support. “It was supposed to be a bridge between the school and the parent because I found there was a huge disconnect there. Parents were being pushed out of the academic space. You would think they would want parent engagement, but I didn’t see that. So I wanted to create an organization that worked to bridge that gap,” she says.

Within a year, she felt called to create PASS Pod, a microschool that opened in August 2021. “I didn’t call it a microschool at the time. I called it a tiny school. I called it a homeschool learning community. I tried a lot of things until we got to the place where everybody was using the language microschool,” she explains.

April has had her share of ups and downs and then some. She started with eight students aged 9–13, meeting three days a week. The following year only one student returned, but she added three more. She thinks the drop was because several families had come from an African-centered microschool and PASS is African-American-centered, and they preferred the other program. Whatever the reason, she was in trouble. “I wasn’t making enough money, so I moved all the children to the night,” she says. “I talked with their parents, and I said, ‘Look, I’ve got to go back to public education because I can’t feed myself like this.’ So my second year, the first semester I did only the microschool, and then the second semester I did the microschool three nights a week and I did public school as a teacher five days a week.”

She was exhausted, but she didn’t quit. She knew if she let it go, she’d never go back. Instead, she branched out. April thought, “I’ve got to create a vehicle to get my name out there. Nobody’s going to see my one little microschool, but if I create a village, they’ll see the village. And I need some community to do this work.” So she worked with other microschool leaders to create Black Homeschoolers ATL, which became Black Microschools ATL.

April’s efforts to raise awareness and build a community worked. She opened with ten students the following year and sixteen this year. She hired one teacher this year and has another one lined up for next year. April will be focusing on marketing the curriculum she’s designed to build another revenue stream. In the meantime, she expects next year to be another hard financial period.

PASS Pod now meets five days a week. They have a morning roundup meeting where they share what’s happening, then an English Language Arts block and a math block. April says it’s very individualized. She tests the students at the beginning of the year to see where they are on a variety of skills and then creates an individualized learning plan for each child. So she may have 10 students who need to work on fractions, for example, but each might have different skills they need to master before getting there. “So it’s every child, every day, getting what they need,” she says. After a long break for lunch and recess, they come back in for science, social studies, and electives, which include Spanish, drama, swimming, robotics, and debate. 

PASS Pod has been approved as a vendor in the new Georgia Promise Scholarship, an education savings account. In theory, this means families can use their accounts to pay the PASS Pod tuition. Unfortunately, students must be enrolled for two consecutive semesters in one of the lowest-performing public schools in the state to receive a scholarship. April says that for most of her families, “the risk that they’d take of going back—the risk to their child’s safety—is not worth it to them.”

While the ESA could help her expand to serve more children, that brings new challenges because it’s hard to find the sweet spot of how many students to enroll and teachers to hire and not lose money. “These are things in business that I just never considered until now, and now I’m teaching other people classes on it,” she adds.

If she could go back in time, April isn’t sure she would do it again. She loves teaching, but she cleared out her retirement to start PASS Pod and is worried about her future. However, she would encourage someone younger who has more time to “fail and try and fail and try again” to go for it. “Actually, my niece is coming in—she’s about 25. She’s coming in next year as one of my teachers in my elementary, and this is her school after this. I want her to take over the school, and I want to go and build my retirement back up,” says April.

April’s situation illustrates the need for universal school choice programs that let funding follow children to a variety of educational options. Atlanta Public Schools, where April used to teach, spend around $25,000 per student overall. Meanwhile, the Georgia Promise Scholarship is worth $6,500—just one-fourth of what Atlanta schools are spending. If all students could access that fraction of funding, options like PASS Pod would be more accessible. It would still be uneven, but it would be a step forward. The way to ensure children aren’t trapped in schools that don’t work for them is to ensure the funding meant to educate them isn’t trapped in those schools. 

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Red America Would Suffer Under RFK Jr.


Michael F. Cannon

A growing measles outbreak in Gaines County, Texas—24 cases so far in a county that voted 91 percent for Donald Trump—illustrates a grim irony.

Senate Republicans plan to vote today on anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination to be the secretary of health and human services. If they seat him, it will be Republican families that suffer.

In the 1960s, measles struck 3–4 million US residents annually, leading to nearly 500,000 diagnoses, 48,000 hospitalizations, and 400–500 deaths. By 2000, measles cases had fallen to fewer than 100 per year, striking only when travelers—mostly unvaccinated US citizens—brought it home from abroad.

Face of a boy after three days with measles rash. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The reason is vaccination. The measles vaccine provides 97 percent protection (immunity) against infection. After its introduction in 1963, US cases dropped by roughly 90 percent within 10 years.

It is hard for the human mind to grasp how beneficial vaccines are. The Lancet estimates that since 1974, vaccines against 14 pathogens have saved 154 million lives. Measles vaccines accounted for more than 60 percent of those gains. That estimate does not include the smallpox vaccine, which eradicated a disease responsible for more deaths in the 20th century than all wars combined.

For decades, Kennedy has publicized small or nonexistent risks of vaccines to the point of frightening people away from the astronomical benefits.

Most infamously, in 1998, The Lancet published an article that falsely suggested a link between measles vaccines and autism. Kennedy stoked those fears—even as contrary evidence accumulated, even after The Lancet retracted that article in 2010, and even in 2011 after Salon retracted Kennedy’s 2005 article on the topic.

Kennedy promises that as secretary, he would approach vaccines without preconceived ideas. He promises that if someone showed him data indicating vaccines are safe, he would “apologize for any statements that misled people otherwise.” Kennedy’s record, however, shows that he clings to his preconceived ideas, regardless of the evidence.

In 2021, the Cochrane Collaboration—which Kennedy calls “the most prestigious scientific research organization”—examined studies covering 1.2 million children and found “no evidence of an increased risk of autism.” Kennedy kept claiming a link exists anyway, citing studies that were older and objectively inferior to those Cochrane reviewed. That is the very definition of unscientific advocacy.

Kennedy says he is not anti-vaccine but merely “asking uncomfortable questions.” This is absurd. The advocacy group he once ran celebrates anti-vaccine sentiment. It sells infant attire with the messages, “No Vax, No Problem” and “Unvaxxed, Unafraid.” In Senate hearings, Kennedy declined to denounce the organization or its messaging. He refused to say whether he still believes vaccines cause autism.

Such propaganda has suppressed support for vaccines and vaccination rates. The share of US adults who consider childhood vaccinations “very important” fell from 94 percent in 2001 to 84 percent in 2019. Public health officials’ handling of COVID-19 helped it fall further, to 69 percent in 2024. The share of adults who believe vaccines are worse than the diseases they prevent (!) has risen from 6 percent to 12 percent to 20 percent, respectively.

In many states, measles vaccination rates have fallen below the 92 percent threshold researchers argue is necessary to thwart outbreaks. Alaska and Wisconsin have statewide rates below 85 percent. Idaho’s is below 80 percent. One school district in Gaines County, Texas, has a vaccination rate of around 50 percent.

Twenty-two of the 24 cases in the Gaines County outbreak are children. At least two are under age 5. Nine resulted in hospitalization, some in intensive care. None had been vaccinated. Officials expect more cases.

The Senate may soon give an anti-vaccine activist the power to block life-saving vaccines. But Kennedy could do plenty of harm simply by using one of the most prominent public health platforms in the world to plant undue fears about vaccines.

The resulting harm would fall disproportionately on the children of Trump voters. Republicans are more receptive to anti-vaccine propaganda than Democrats. Thirty-one percent of Republicans believe vaccines are worse than the diseases; 5 percent of Democrats do.

If the Senate confirms Kennedy, more Republican parents will be visiting their kids in intensive care.

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Jeremy Horepdahl

Over the past five years, the US labor market has added, on net, 5.4 million jobs, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics household survey. The establishment survey shows an even larger gain of seven million jobs. The differences between the household (Current Population Survey) and establishment (Current Employment Statistics) surveys is notable, but for the purposes of this post, I use the household survey because it has the necessary demographic information to analyze workers. Of those 5.4 million new jobs, almost all of the net gains have gone to foreign-born workers, who saw an increase of 4.7 million jobs. There are only about 650,000 more native-born workers in the United States than at the beginning of 2020.

Does this mean that foreigners actually are “taking our jobs”? No. To understand why, you need to know a little about the pool of potential native-born workers.

First, we need to recognize that even though the total number of native-born workers has fallen, the percentage of native-born Americans of prime working age (25–54) is slightly higher than it was five years ago. Using a 12-month average, it was 80.7 percent in January 2020 and 81.5 percent in January 2025. (Figure 1). Foreign-born workers also saw an increase over this time period, from 77.1 percent to 78.1 percent, and both of these measures are essentially at their highest readings going back to 2007, when the data series begins.

How do the data in Figure 1 square with the earlier data, which show that all net job gains went to foreign-born workers?

The two facts are easy to reconcile. The number of native-born Americans of prime working age is not growing: It has been basically flat since about 2013, as my Cato colleague Scott Lincicome showed in a recent essay. And this problem will only get worse: The US birth rate began declining in 2007—exactly 18 years ago, meaning that the upcoming crop of native-born Americans will be shrinking in the near future. The US fertility rate (births per woman) in 2023 was almost 25 percent lower than in 2007 (Figure 2).

While most existing government interventions to increase fertility have been costly and largely ineffective, we can hold out hope that some improvements can be made. For example, Vanessa Brown Calder and Chelsea Follett have put together a good list of policy reforms to increase the birth rate—mostly by getting the government out of the way. But absent some major reforms, the native-born, working-age population will likely not increase dramatically or at all in the near future. Even if the birth rate increases right now, we would have to wait about 18 years before there is any impact on the labor force and decades before it has a major impact.

Unlike native-born Americans, the foreign-born working-age population has been increasing in recent years. In contrast to the flat prime working-age (25–54) population for native-born workers since 2013, the comparable foreign-born population grew by almost five million over that same time frame. These data come from the Current Population Survey, a joint project of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and the US Census Bureau, and like any survey, they are subject to some issues, especially with sampling when it comes to groups that might be hard to identify, such as immigrants. But this is likely the best data we currently have for these measures (it is the same survey used to calculate the unemployment rate and other labor market measures), and with the benchmark update in January 2025, the data should have more accurate population estimates from the Census Bureau.

Without continuing immigration to the United States, we face serious demographic challenges. Predictions are hard, especially about the future. But using Census population projections, William Frey at Brookings estimates that the ratio of US workers to the retired population will decline dramatically under any scenario. The decline is especially pronounced under the “zero immigration” scenario: Currently, there are about 3.6 workers per retiree in the United States, which could fall to as low as 1.4 workers per retiree by 2100 without any new immigrants. Even under the “high immigration” scenario, this ratio will fall to around 2 workers per retiree, but the fiscal and economic differences between these two scenarios could be massive.

Maintaining a healthy worker–retiree ratio (the inverse is sometimes called the old-age dependency ratio) is crucial for the continuing functioning of the changing US economy. Most retirees will consume large amounts of health care services, necessitating more health care workers. Many retirees have sizeable amounts of wealth and want to spend some of that wealth on travel and tourism. We need workers to support those industries. And on and on it goes, in many industries that no central planner could foresee right now but will nonetheless need to be supported by new, younger workers in our future economy.

While most new jobs in the US economy have gone to foreign-born workers, this isn’t because they are taking them from Americans. We need immigration laws that are more open, not less. Absent more immigration, the United States would need massive improvements in automation and productivity in many industries, which would require fewer regulations and taxes that stifle innovations.

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Romina Boccia and Dominik Lett

Today, the House Budget Committee, led by Chairman Jodey Arrington (R‑TX), is marking up a budget resolution for fiscal year 2025, released just yesterday. This latest fiscal framework, which sets priorities for federal spending and revenue, arrives directly on the heels of the Senate’s rival budget resolution, which we reviewed earlier this week. Compared to the Senate’s disappointing shell game, the House resolution offers a more responsible budget plan, laying the groundwork for $1.5 trillion in 10-year mandatory spending cuts and capping revenue losses at $4.5 trillion. Given political constraints, that’s a commendable achievement and a clear improvement over the Senate’s blueprint.

However, the resolution falls well short of a deficit-neutral reconciliation framework that House Republicans have explicitly promised to uphold. Per the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, the House’s budget resolution would allow $3.3 trillion in higher 10-year deficits or up to $4 trillion in new borrowing, including interest. For context, Congress needed to find $9 trillion in net 10-year savings to stabilize the debt, meaning the current resolution is about $12 trillion off the mark.

While the House budget resolution claims $2.6 trillion in savings from economic growth, these projections are extremely optimistic. As the Manhattan Institute’s Jessica Riedl has pointed out, it is reckless to assume that sustained 3 percent growth rates will materialize from temporary, non-offset tax cuts, especially since past tax cuts have typically led to only short-lived growth boosts. In addition, the resolution makes a nonbinding policy statement targeting $2 trillion in mandatory spending cuts. Without enforceable measures, these savings remain uncertain. Meanwhile, the budget calls for $300 billion in increased defense, border security, and immigration enforcement spending.

The United States needs a bold fiscal reset to curb the nation’s unsustainable debt growth, not a gimmicky budget resolution that pushes the national debt even higher. Congress should do better.

Cato Scholars Offer Perspectives on the House Budget Resolution

We spoke to fellow Cato scholars on the House budget resolution’s approach to several key issues, including tax reform, national defense, energy production, and border security. Here’s what they had to say.

House budget resolution offers a path forward on pro-growth tax reform, despite flaws. As Adam Michel, Cato’s director of tax policy studies, explains:

The House budget resolution takes a comprehensive approach to meet the Republicans’ priorities. On tax policy, it provides the Ways and Means Committee a $4.5 trillion allowance to reduce revenue. This is more than enough room for Republicans to pursue a pro-growth tax bill that makes the most important tax cuts permanent. The resolution imposes a modest requirement on Ways and Means to cut a small fraction of the trillions of dollars in loopholes and other spending in the tax code. It should pursue deeper tax expenditure reforms than the resolution requires.

The budget resolution avoids relying on the novel current policy baseline and includes an important statement, requiring Ways and Means to pursue additional deficit reduction if other Committees do not meet the target of reducing mandatory spending by $2 trillion. The Committee should make this requirement binding.

Instead of reducing spending to offset the entire tax cut, the House plan relies on an overly optimistic $2.6 trillion in higher revenues from assumed faster economic growth. To help meet this aspirational goal, a well-designed tax package that includes permanent business tax cuts, like President Trump’s 15 percent corporate tax rate, full expensing for equipment, and full deductions for structures, will be necessary. Regulatory reform will also help. However, the Committee’s growth target is all but impossible under the President’s threatened and imposed tariffs, foreign retaliation, and immigration restrictions. Spending cuts, not assumed future growth, are the only way to shrink the federal government’s burden on American taxpayers.

On defense, the House budget framework provides an unwarranted increase in defense spending. As Justin Logan, Cato’s director of defense and foreign policy studies, told us Tuesday, the Senate proposal “reads like a Dick Cheney fever dream.” Unfortunately, the House’s budget resolution is more of the same, significantly increasing defense spending compared to prior years. One important difference is that the House budget allows the Committee on Armed Services to submit up to $100 billion in deficit-increasing changes. The Senate framework boosts that deficit increase to $150 billion. In both cases, the defense plus-ups are unwarranted, adding billions more to already absurdly high trillion-dollar deficits.

On energy, the House budget scales back costly subsidies and corrects distortions. As Travis Fisher, Cato’s director of energy and environmental policy studies, and Joshua Loucks, research associate, explain:

While specific details remain uncertain, we are optimistic that the resolution includes provisions to roll back green energy subsidies—particularly the Inflation Reduction Act’s energy provisions, which have distorted energy markets and fueled wasteful spending.

Crucially, the budget avoids reliance on a current policy baseline, preventing the entrenchment of existing energy tax credits. This safeguard is essential to halting the continued expansion of costly subsidies. The $880 billion in spending reductions across the Energy and Commerce Committee and the Natural Resources Committee signal a promising step toward limiting government interference in energy markets and restoring market-driven principles to the sector.

On immigration, the House budget provides a poorly thought-out border security spending increase. As David Bier, Cato’s director of immigration studies, explained earlier this week, “The administration has spent its early weeks mostly arresting immigrants without criminal records and stripping immigrants of their legal status.” Both the House and Senate budget resolutions ignore the country’s “outdated and failing legal immigration system—the true source of illegal immigration.” As with defense, it’s worth noting that the House budget resolution authorizes a lower total deficit increase to the Homeland Security Committee and Judiciary Committee, as compared to the Senate budget resolution.

A Step in the Right Direction

While the current budget resolution leaves much to be desired, it is undoubtedly a better first salvo than the Senate’s budget proposal, which featured unambitious, vague spending cuts and relied on a flawed current policy baseline (budgeting under the assumption that current tax policy will continue indefinitely rather than expire as required by statute). House Budget Committee Chairman Arrington should be applauded for his efforts to include real spending restraint to offset tax cut extensions. Disappointingly, it seems like many Republicans were not ready to make the tough choices necessary to put America on the right fiscal track and fully offset tax extensions. With the House Budget Committee beginning its markup today, it’s not too late to course correct and pursue deeper deficit reductions.

Along with slashing tax expenditures, legislators should push for a more ambitious spending cut target. Only two months ago, Speaker Mike Johnson made a promise to fellow Republicans to raise the debt limit by $1.5 trillion in exchange for $2.5 trillion in spending cuts. As it stands, the budget resolution falls $1 trillion short of the promised cuts while also proposing to increase the debt limit by $4 trillion.

There is no shortage of overdue spending reforms that Republicans can draw on to, at a minimum, close that $1 trillion gap. Converting Medicaid to a block grant program and capping its growth, for example, could save $600 billion over 10 years. Other ideas being floated, such as beefing up work requirements for welfare programs, have their own fiscal merits, with savings in the hundreds of billions.

Ultimately, legislators must recognize that ambitious spending reform is not only politically viable but essential for long-term economic stability. Inflation played a huge role in Republicans getting into office. If they want to win again in 2026, they should get serious about slowing inflation and sparking growth. That means pursuing a disciplined fiscal policy to reduce inflationary pressures and restore market confidence, starting with a deficit-neutral budget resolution.

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Jeffrey Miron

President Donald Trump has reportedly shown a strong interest in privatizing the US Postal Service (USPS). Proponents of the USPS applaud its mandate to provide mail service to every American at uniform rates; critics claim it is less efficient than private competitors and no longer financially viable (if it ever was).

From its inception, the USPS was intended to be a public good, not a profit-making entity. Indeed, in 1958, federal law declared it “clearly not a business enterprise conducted for profit.” But non-profits should not be financial black holes, and universal service should not require billions in annual losses, as demonstrated by private providers.

At present, the USPS is a failing monopoly. Title 39 of the US Code hinders private carriers’ ability to compete by requiring weight minimums and USPS approval for packages. Additionally, only USPS may use mailboxes. The USPS also receives substantial financial aid from taxpayers: $120 billion since 2020. Despite this legal and fiscal aid, USPS has run a deficit every year since 2007, accumulating a total loss of $108 billion. And service quality continues to decline—between 2022 and 2024, the percentage of packages delivered on time fell substantially.

A possible response to these financial difficulties is the removal of rules that make the USPS less profitable. The USPS must offer reduced postage rates for certain users, such as non-profits, and its uniform rate requirement means serving remote areas at the same price as cities. Repealing these restrictions would allow USPS to be more competitive.

An even better response is to privatize the USPS. This would eliminate its uniform price and service mandate and allow it to close unprofitable locations. Privatizing would also eliminate restrictions on private carriers’ activity, enhancing their efficiency.

A key aspect of this privatization is that it must be complete, or nearly so. Since Britain sold a majority stake in its national postal service, the share price has fallen about 25 percent. But Royal Mail failed to eliminate the barriers that made it unprofitable, such as uniform pricing. Mail services such as FedEx and UPS show that private mail couriers can function effectively.

Ultimately, the case for privatization is one of efficiency, competition, and fiscal responsibility. By privatizing the USPS, the US could foster a competitive, market-driven postal industry that better serves consumers and taxpayers alike.

This article appeared on Substack on February 13, 2025. Jonah Karafiol, a student at Harvard College, co-wrote this post.

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Romina Boccia and Dominik Lett

Can the United States outgrow Social Security’s financing problem or inflate away the resulting debt? The answer is a resounding no. The program’s rising costs are baked into its structure, with benefits automatically increasing alongside higher wages (coinciding with higher economic growth) and inflation. With fewer workers supporting more retirees, there’s no realistic path to balance without confronting the program’s flawed design. Delaying action will only make inevitable fixes more painful, including by forcing deeper benefit cuts and/​or higher taxes.

In a new Cato policy analysis, we take a deeper look at how Social Security’s benefit and revenue design interacts with changing economic conditions, focusing on the stagflation episode of the 1970s and subsequent Social Security insolvency crisis as a case study to inform addressing the current budget shortfall. You can read it here.

Why Is Social Security Running Out of Money?

Longer lifespans, lower birthrates, and an overly generous benefit formula are driving Social Security’s insolvency. In 2023, Social Security ran a $133 billion deficit. That deficit will only grow in size over the coming years. By 2033, annual cash-flow deficits, including interest costs, will be $665 billion (see the graphic below). Without reforms, the exhaustion of Social Security’s borrowing authority—at trust fund exhaustion—will trigger automatic across-the-board benefit cuts of around 21 percent under current law.

A key driver of these deficits is Social Security’s demographic crisis. Since the program was created in 1935, life expectancy at birth has increased by nearly 16 years. Over the same period, Social Security’s full retirement age has increased by just 2 years, failing to reflect increases in longevity. Meanwhile, birth rates have declined. Because Social Security depends on today’s workers to fund current retirees, these twin demographic trends mean that fewer taxpayers are supporting more beneficiaries, straining the program’s finances.

To make matters worse, Social Security’s benefit formula ensures that benefit costs rise over time. To calculate a beneficiary’s benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) follows a complex formula, which involves indexing past wages to reflect the growth in wages to today. The SSA then adjusts those benefits to grow with annual inflation using an inaccurate inflation index. Inadvertently, this formula causes benefits to grow more generous over time in absolute terms (nominal increases) and relative terms (in excess of inflation). Without reforms, the resulting spending increases will continue to outpace revenues, deepening the program’s deficits.

The Issue With “Outgrowing” the Deficit

Hoping that economic growth will solve Social Security’s financial woes, as some politicians have suggested, is a pipe dream. Because Social Security benefits are indexed to wages, higher economic growth brings both higher revenues and higher benefits, leaving the long-term fiscal problem unresolved. In the best case, faster economic growth would only push back the trust fund insolvency date by a few years at most.

Take the 1990s, for example. During this decade, the US experienced a boom in productivity and capital investment thanks to technological innovations, favorable demographics, reduced global tensions, and globalization. However, these circumstances barely improved Social Security’s budgetary future, leaving insolvency looming on the horizon. Per the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, even if the US returned to the levels of capital growth, productivity growth, and labor force participation seen in the 1990s, it would fail to fix budget shortfalls driven by growing benefit costs and worsening demographics. In short, growth buys time but not solvency.

Lessons from the 1970s

If anything, history shows that depending on economic growth to stabilize Social Security’s finances is not just unrealistic—it’s dangerous. The last time the US faced a Social Security insolvency crisis, deteriorating economic conditions destabilized the program more rapidly than expected and resulted in last-minute, inadequate policy changes.

During the 1970s, stagflation—high inflation combined with stagnant wage growth—sent Social Security’s costs soaring while tax revenue lagged. In just six years, Social Security went from solid financial footing to projected insolvency by 1983. Predictably, policymakers waited until the last moment to rush through fixes to avoid major benefit cuts. But those changes didn’t fix the problems at the program’s core, which make it unsustainable.

Today, the Social Security program faces even larger budget shortfalls than those faced in the 1970s. Ominously, the 21st century’s demographic and benefit design problems come at a time of dwindling fiscal space, with the federal government racking up high debt with multi-trillion-dollar annual deficits. Per the Congressional Budget Office, the US will average $2.1 trillion in annual deficits over the next decade, resulting in a public debt of $52 trillion by 2035. This massive and growing debt burden could produce similar stagflation conditions as experienced during the 1970s, increasing inflationary pressures, reducing productivity, and slowing wage growth even without a sudden bond market panic

Such conditions—whether triggered by an acute fiscal crisis or brought about by a slow decline—are a roadmap to faster Social Security insolvency, resulting in bigger deficits as benefits rise faster than inflation while tax revenue lags.

Let’s Avoid Repeating the Same Mistakes

Rather than waiting until the last moment to pass band-aid fixes, Congress should begin laying the groundwork for comprehensive Social Security reform now. A key principle of this reform effort should be to more closely align program revenues with benefits on an annual basis, not push back insolvency by a few decades on paper, as Congress did in 1983 while using Social Security’s surplus revenues to fund other government expansions. Promising options include:

Gradually raising the retirement age and permanently indexing the retirement age to account for increases in life expectancy;
Indexing initial benefits to prices rather than wages, protecting beneficiaries against inflation while reducing long-term cost growth;
Improving the accuracy of cost-of-living adjustments by using a more accurate inflation index (the C‑CPI‑U);
Reducing benefits for the highest-income retirees, entailing lower economic costs in comparison to an across-the-board payroll tax rate increase or lifting the payroll tax cap;
Shifting from an earnings-related benefit to a flat benefit, relying on a more predictable, transparent, and cost-effective method to prevent old-age poverty.

The only real fix to Social Security’s deficits will be to confront the program’s structural flaws, including by adjusting benefits and eligibility to reflect demographic and economic realities. That’s not an easy conversation, but kicking the can down the road will only exacerbate the program’s deficits and worsen the overall economic outlook, making inevitable, necessary policy reforms all that more painful.

Read the full policy analysis here.

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Justin Logan

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth gave a terrific, bracing speech today to the Ukraine Defense Contact Group that deserves praise. 

For more than two years, European capitals have been encouraging maximalism regarding the Ukraine war, and more generally encouraging the doddering US president’s romantic ideas about the transatlantic relationship. 

It all came crashing down today. 

Hegseth made clear, inter alia, that, 

1) “NATO membership for Ukraine is [not] a realistic outcome of a negotiated settlement”;

2) “as part of any [postwar] security guarantee, there will not be US troops deployed to Ukraine”;

3) a return to Ukraine’s 1991 borders, an official Ukrainian war aim, is “an unrealistic objective”;

4) “stark strategic realities prevent the United States of America from being primarily focused on the security of Europe”; and that,

5) “the United States will no longer tolerate an imbalanced relationship which encourages dependency.” 

For too long, US policy on Europe has been driven by airy romanticism, not by a cold, hard assessment of the strategic environment. As Joshua Shifrinson and I wrote in Foreign Affairs last year, 

With no candidate for European hegemony lurking, there is no longer any need for the United States to take the dominant role in the region… U.S. policy does not need to aim at formal withdrawal from or continued membership in NATO; it simply needs to make clear that Washington’s tenure as Europe’s pacifier is coming to an end, and if European defense planners feel that leaves a hole to fill, they must fill it themselves. 

Hegseth’s speech suggests the Trump administration agrees. The division of labor in the transatlantic relationship needs to change now. 

Vice President JD Vance and Defense Secretary Hegseth both have important speeches to come during the remainder of this trip. We should hope for similar themes to be raised—and for policy to follow.

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Jeffrey A. Singer

A doctor who intentionally performs cruel and medically unjustifiable procedures that cause pain and suffering could face criminal charges. If the patient dies, the doctor could face homicide charges. Apparently, those rules don’t apply to law enforcement.

On February 11, the Arizona Supreme Court approved a death warrant permitting the Arizona Department of Corrections to perform the state’s first execution by lethal injection since 2022. That year, Governor Katie Hobbs suspended executions pending an independent review of the process after several botched lethal injection attempts inflicted unnecessary and avoidable pain and suffering on the prisoners. 

Last December, Governor Hobbs terminated the review and cleared the way for executions to resume. The governor claimed she lost confidence that the independent reviewer, retired US Magistrate Judge David Duncan, “will accomplish the purpose and goals of the Executive Order” she issued.

In a local television news interview, Duncan responded, “Maybe I was telling people what they didn’t want to hear. I mean, one of the things the governor said in her letter is that she was satisfied with the investigation that Dr. Thornell had conducted internally with respect to the ability to proceed with an injection. The problem with that is that’s an internal investigation. It’s exactly the opposite of an independent review.”

Virtually every health professional organization officially considers it unethical to participate in executions. For example, the American Medical Association Code of Ethics states:

Debate over capital punishment has occurred for centuries and remains a volatile social, political, and legal issue. An individual’s opinion on capital punishment is the personal moral decision of the individual. However, as a member of a profession dedicated to preserving life when there is hope of doing so, a physician must not participate in a legally authorized execution.

Even the American College of Correctional Physicians considers it unethical to participate in an execution:

Physicians who work with incarcerated people are likely to be called upon to participate in executions in some fashion. The incarcerated are clearly and directly our patients and our work is to care for their medical needs. ACCP members and all correctional medical providers have the strongest ethical imperative not to participate in executions in any way, including the direct or indirect supervision of other members of the health care team.

The American Pharmacy Association ethically precludes pharmacists from providing the drugs to perform lethal injection:

The American Pharmacists Association discourages pharmacist participation in executions on the basis that such activities are fundamentally contrary to the role of pharmacists as providers of healthcare.

Pharmacists are health care providers and pharmacist participation in executions conflicts with the profession’s role on the patient health care team. This new policy aligns APhA with the execution policies of other major health care associations including the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association and the American Board of Anesthesiology.

So too does the association that represents compounding pharmacies.

Even if pharmacists were not ethically conflicted, the pharmaceutical industry would tie their hands. Over sixty pharmaceutical companies and distributors have made public statements against the “diversion of medicines to death row for use in capital punishment.” In some cases, they have successfully sued states for engaging in “subterfuge” and “clandestine” means to obtain their drugs.

So what are state correctional facilities to do? In many cases, they have resorted to obtaining drugs for lethal injection from underground sources. Investigative journalists exposed Idaho officials purchasing chemicals for cash in a parking lot. In 2015, the Food and Drug Administration halted Arizona and Texas from illegally purchasing drugs for lethal injection from overseas sources.

And because professional ethics precludes health care professionals from participating in executions, many corrections facilities use lab technicians, prison staff, or volunteers—many with no medical training—to insert intravenous catheters and perform the executions. A report in 2022 found one-third of all executions that year were botched. Most states, including Arizona, have laws that keep the executioner’s identity confidential.

Many executioners are using pentobarbital, a drug that the US Department of Justice recently rescinded from its federal prosecution protocol over concerns that it may cause “unnecessary pain and suffering.”

To avoid criticism, many states, including Arizona, have enacted secrecy laws, preventing the public from knowing the details of how they carry out their executions.

I have written about cops practicing medicine by dictating how doctors treat pain. While the cops may not be the ones who treat the pain, they call the shots. But with executions, their role escalates—they aren’t just dictating the procedure; they’re administering the shots. On March 19, they plan to execute Aaron Brian Gunches in Arizona.

Doctors who violate medical ethics face prosecution—when the state does it, they call it justice.

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Walter Olson

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched an investigation of all-news San Francisco radio station KCBS 740 AM over its coverage of a Jan. 26 federal immigration raid in San Jose. Speaking on the “Fox & Friends” show, FCC Chairmen Brendan Carr cited conservative claims that the station, in relaying reports from persons at the scene, had identified the locations and car models of ICE officials while the raid was in progress. Carr said the raid took place in a part of East San Jose “known for violent gang activity.” It is not recorded that any violence occurred during the raid. 

The FCC is conducting the investigation under its “public interest” standard, whose meaning, as Brent Skorup noted in this space last month, “is constantly changing and depends entirely on who sits on the commission.” The imprecision is especially damaging here because when it comes to live reporting on police street activity, the public interest can figure on both sides. 

In 2015, the International Association of Chiefs of Police published a useful background guide on the role and rights of the media and others who report on police activity. It observes that “individuals have a First Amendment right to record police officers in the performance of their public duties. This right extends to recording of police activity in public or where an individual has a legal right to be present.” Motivation for reporting can include curiosity, personal interests at stake, or strong opinions, even including animus toward police, none of which nullify otherwise applicable First Amendment rights. 

That is not to say that rights to report override every prudential factor: for example, police can rightly object to observers’ physical presence when it obstructs or delays them, and they can establish reasonable, marked perimeters around situations and require those reporting to stay behind those lines. Reading through the IACP examples, however, it’s hard to see any exception that would apply to the situation with KCBS. “Police are on our block right now and I saw three of them get out of an unmarked blue Chevy” is not a statement that stands outside the First Amendment. 

It would be nice to know more exactly about what the station aired that day, but according to one report, “KCBS-AM scrubbed their coverage of the January 26 raids from their website.”

But here’s the point: while some time-place-and-manner rules are appropriate, there is an obvious public interest in there being live media coverage of police street activity. Newsworthiness aside, such coverage can expose bad practices by police, and it can also reassure by helping to establish that police practice was proper. Allowing the media to be scared away from reporting on police raids, perhaps by all-purpose speculation that some listener in the audience might be inclined to violence, takes us closer to a society where the media dare not report in real time on police raids at all, or even to one in which there might happen secret raids. 

The investigation inevitably invites comparison with other speech-chilling steps taken under the new chairmanship of Brendan Carr. In particular, the FCC filed a complaint against CBS over supposedly biased editing of a Kamala Harris interview that had enraged President Donald Trump, who sued CBS (and who appointed Carr FCC chair). 

The editorialists of the Wall Street Journal recently wrote a vigorous rebuttal to the Trump-Carr depiction of CBS’s conduct, saying, “this looks like editorial judgment, not an instance of splicing footage to create a misleading response that never happened.” Yet Trump is holding his related lawsuit over the head of CBS’s parent company, Paramount, which is reportedly ready to settle the suit so as to obtain clearance for a merger. 

“Mr. Trump clearly wants to intimidate the press,” writes the WSJ, “and it’s no credit to the FCC to see it reinforcing that with an inquiry.” Vigilance is always in order when it comes to the FCC and speech rights, and perhaps more now than ever. 

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Nicholas Anthony

Both the House and Senate held hearings on the issue of debanking last week. Perhaps the most disappointing occurrence was the repeated claim by some members of Congress that debanking is a “fake” issue. Were that not enough, other members of Congress took this moment as an opportunity to promote levying even more restrictions on the financial system. Still, there were some things to be optimistic about. 

Choke Point or Hoax Point?

First, is Operation Choke Point 2.0 real? In the House, Representative Al Green (D‑TX) said, “The name “[Operation Choke Point] 2.0” refers to a fake program… to restrict the cryptocurrency industry’s access to the banking system.” Later on, Representative Nikema Williams (D‑GA) echoed a similar statement, saying that the hearing was about “fake oversight.”

Had these members of Congress been open to the testimony of the witnesses, they would have learned from Paul Grewal, Coinbase’s chief legal officer, that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) sent dozens of letters to banks instructing them to “pause all crypto asset-related activity.” They would have further learned that even the Office of Inspector General found issues with this practice. Furthermore, they would have learned that this information only became public after Coinbase took the FDIC to court. 

As Grewal pointed out in his testimony, the court stated it was “concerned with what appears to be FDIC’s lack of good-faith effort in making nuanced redactions” and that the FDIC “cannot simply blanket redact everything that is not an article or preposition.”

With that said, there is a distinction to be made between what is known as “Operation Choke Point” and “Operation Choke Point 2.0.” Operation Choke Point was an official government program. It began with a Department of Justice memo written in 2012 and did not end until 2017. Operation Choke Point 2.0, however, is a name that was coined by investor Nic Carter and has been used widely as an unofficial title for the general sweep of government pressure on cryptocurrency. So, while there is no evidence (at least not yet) that there is an operation officially running under the Choke Point banner, there is evidence that the FDIC repeatedly pressured banks to stay away from cryptocurrency. 

Fair Access, Again

The Fair Access to Banking Act also made an appearance amidst the hearings after being reintroduced by Senator Kevin Cramer (R‑ND) and Representative Andy Barr (R‑KY). In the press release for the bill, Senator Cramer said, “Financial institutions are backed by taxpayers, for crying out loud! The Fair Access to Banking Act ensures that banks provide fair access to services and enacts strict penalties for categorically discriminating against legal industries and individuals.”

By “strict penalties,” he refers to how the bill would revoke a bank’s access to deposit insurance, the automated clearing house, the discount window, and more. In other words, if a bank violates the bill’s requirements, the bank would effectively be shut down and all its customers would effectively be debanked due to the bill.

When discussing the idea behind the bill, former Senator Pat Toomey (R‑PA) recently warned how impractical it would be to limit business decisions to strictly quantifiable financial information. “I sit on several boards, and every company in America rightly takes into account reputational risk, and … there’s other hard-to-quantify risks banks have to take in mind,” said the former senator. “I don’t want to put that decision in the hands of government.”

Yet, it’s not just a matter of impracticality. It’s also an example of how the government seems to only get more involved in Americans’ daily lives over time. Across the country, there are legitimate concerns about regulators cutting off access to financial services, but the approach in the Fair Access to Banking Act would only give regulators the authority to levy even more restrictions on how people use the financial system.

Something to Be Optimistic About

With that said, there were also some positive moments during the hearings.

Senator Andy Kim (D‑NJ) and Aaron Klein of the Brookings Institution had a great exchange regarding the role the Bank Secrecy Act regime plays in pushing people to the financial fringe. Pointing to my previous work, Klein explained that this system is both inefficient and costly. In short, despite financial institutions spending $59 billion a year complying with this regime and filing over 27 million reports, those reports only initiated 372 criminal investigations. However, while the Bank Secrecy Act regime is not catching criminals, it is making it harder for financial institutions to serve customers.

Another notable moment was that many members of Congress recognized the distinction between operational and governmental debanking. In other words, they recognized that there is a difference between private businesses deciding how they wish to conduct their day-to-day operations and government officials deciding how those private businesses should operate.

Finally, Old Glory Bank CEO Mike Ring did well to repeatedly caution senators against levying even more restrictions on the market. He noted that “additional regulations telling banks who they must bank” will certainly lead to unintended consequences. Instead, he explained that the free market is the solution, citing his bank as an example. Ring told Congress, “[I]nstead of sitting around complaining about what the Big Banks were doing, we created Old Glory Bank to be a market response.” This type of attitude is what’s needed, not calls for even more restrictions.


So, while some officials see this moment as a case of “fake news” or as an opportunity to restrict the financial system even further, there is an opportunity to carve a better path. Representative Ann Wagner (R‑MO) said it well, noting that individuals should be free to seek services just as banks should be free to make decisions about the customers they serve.

To do that, Congress should expose how widespread debanking has become and cut out the tools that the government has used to pressure banks and other financial institutions. As I have explained in a recent paper, that means reforming the confidentiality that has long kept customers in the dark and reforming the larger Bank Secrecy Act regime. Doing that will help reveal more areas for reform, remove the tools used in governmental debanking, and reduce the burdens that have limited financial services. 

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