2023 Berkeley Summer School in Environmental and Energy Economics | August 14-18, 2023

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via Max Auffhammer:
Thanks to generous renewal funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Berkeley Summer School will take place again this year – in person! The goal of the summer school is to provide doctoral students nationwide, who have completed the core first year microeconomics and econometrics requirement, with an overview of the most important and current topics in the fields of environmental and energy economics. Previous incarnations of this summer school have helped students identify promising dissertation projects, build networks and gain valuable insights on how to be a productive researcher. This year students will have an opportunity to get feedback on a research idea from one of the instructors. The instructors’ expertise covers a range of important topics. More details and up to date information can always be found on the summer school website. The currently planned lineup of instructors is:
Meredith Fowlie, UC Berkeley
Joseph Shapiro, UC Berkeley
Maximilian Auffhammer, UC Berkeley
Susanna Berkouwer, Wharton
Marshall Burke, Stanford 
Koichiro Ito, University of Chicago
(more TBA)
The summer school will start on Monday (8/14) at noon with a virtual welcome lunch for all attendees, followed by the first session at 1:30pm PDT. For the remaining four days, there will be a 3-hour lecture in the morning beginning at 9:00am, a one hour lunch followed by another 3-hour lecture. We are planning a number of other exciting activities and will keep you posted. There is no tuition, but space is limited. We provide breakfast and lunch and can accommodate dietary restrictions! Students are expected to attend all sessions.
To apply for the summer school, you must be a registered PhD student in an economics department, business or policy school and have completed your first year of coursework. Only PhD students in universities in North America (Canada/USA/Mexico) are eligible to apply. Please submit your application online here.  Please ask your advisor or a faculty member that knows you well to fill out a very brief confirmation that they support your recommendation here.
We are funding a number of diversity fellowships to offset travel and lodging expenses, which will require awardees to write a brief application statement to apply, as well as a two-page research proposal for a new idea in the field of EEE (due the week after camp). We will then match up fellows with one of the instructors, who will provide feedback on the idea in a one-on-one meeting. You can apply for the fellowship within the application form linked above.
The application deadline is 5pm PST June 23, 2023. We will notify you of your admission by end of June. If you have any questions, please email Karen Notsund, knotsund@berkeley.edu or Maximilian Auffhammer (auffhammer@berkeley.edu).

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